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Instalar VPN. Paso 4. iOS on iPhone. IKEv2. Alemania.

Instrucciones para configurar la conexión VPN

Guía de conexión

Paso 1

Open "Settings" at home screen.

Paso 2

Go to "General".

Paso 3

Tap "VPN".

Paso 4

Tap "Add VPN Configuration...".

Paso 5

Fill form with values shown below.

Type: IKEv2
Description: Trust.Zone-Germany
Nombre de usuario: OCULTO. Entre o Regístrese para ver.
Contraseña: OCULTO. Entre o Regístrese para ver.
Remote ID:

Finally tap "Done".


Paso 6

Tap connect switch in order to start VPN connection.


Paso 7

If connection has been successfully established, you will see status "Connected". You can manage your VPN connection in the "Settings" in "General" tab.


Connection check

Open Trust.Zone Main page or reload it if it is already open in order to check if your connection with Trust.Zone VPN is established correctly.
You can also visit our Connection Check Page.

Tu IP: x.x.x.x · Alemania · ¡Estás en TRUST.ZONE ahora! ¡Tu verdadera localización está oculta!